The "Ace", Bob Glass
won only five matches and the "King", Gary
Dickinson, the qualifying leader, won six matches, but Glass had a 300 game and out
averaged Gary to win the Ebonite Senior tournament in Tomball. The lanes had a tube shot
on both sides. The surface is to be resurfaced in June and the heads in the middle of the
center required great shots to score. Every time the players moved it was a challenge to
line up. Many shots went astray. Robert Gibbs, Bill Curtin and John Sands had two RBs each
and Murray Foreman had one, there were more, but they were not noted. Super star, John
Handegard had a SW minus one (amazin').
The Firecracker $15,000 will be held in Tulsa at River Lanes over July fourth week. There
will be a seminar Wednesday, a FREE sweeper with $4,000.00 added Thursday, qualifying
Friday and Saturday, and the finals Sunday. There will be a senior division and a super
senior division with $7,500 added to |